
Communities can often experience periods of insufficient staffing resulting from retirements/departures and/or during periods of significant growth. Our experienced staff is available to assist up to five days a week to augment municipal staff in-office and/or remotely with any number of needs ranging from general...

Village of Oak Brook $4 million Design and Construction Engineering The project included nearly 2.3 miles of watermain improvements; 7,555 feet of eight-inch and 3,515 feet of 12-inch installed via open trench; and 845 feet of eight-inch directional drilled watermain and 735 feet of 12-inch watermain lining. To...

Various Communities Design and Construction Engineering Since its inception, BLA has assisted numerous local public agencies with their annual road/street programs. Our experienced staff understands how to prioritize and maximize the number of roadways to be improved on a yearly basis based on annual agency budgets. BLA...

Village of Lincolnshire $5 million Design and Construction Engineering The project installed a new 12-inch transmission watermain throughout the Village as a means of improving water pressure east of the Des Plaines River. The project was phased into multiple segments which were designed and constructed over a three-year...

Cities of Highland Park and Highwood $3.5 million Design and Construction Engineering BLA designed, oversaw the construction and provided public information services for Western Avenue.  The project converted a rural section into an urban section, upgraded the existing 15-inch sanitary sewer to a 21-inch sewer, replaced the existing...

Village of Buffalo Grove $2 million Design and Construction Engineering This project rehabilitated 0.50 miles of residential University Drive.  Because of frequent breaks, the 10-inch forcemain and eight-inch watermain needed to be replaced and the roadway reconstructed.  Challenges included an expedited schedule, an undocumented interconnection with Arlington Heights’s...

City of Rockford Public Works $800,000 Design and Construction Engineering BLA prepared design alternatives to address bank erosion and scour at the Buckbee Creek Rock River outfall.  The creek and project area are in the mapped floodplain.  BLA performed hydraulic modeling and developed multiple alternatives to stabilize the...

Village of Northbrook $3.2 million Design and Construction Engineering BLA provided design and construction engineering for a 72-inch storm sewer through utility-congested right-of-way to help alleviate Northbrook’s significant chronic flooding along Shermer Road.  The project included a micro-tunnel auger of an 87.5-inch steel casing sleeve under the Metra...